Toyon Hall, a significant historic building originally designed by Bakewell and Brown Architects in 1922, is a three-story structure centered around a magnificent formal courtyard with arcades and arches. The purpose of the project was to preserve, maintain and enhance the building and site. Our scope of work included evaluation of existing site conditions and full landscape architectural services for renovation.
Work attributed to SWA/Balsley principal John Wong and his team with SWA Group.
Stanford West Apartments
The landscape design for Stanford West Housing creates a lush and inviting place for residents, complete with recreation trails, parks and play areas, while also conserving the site’s environmentally sensitive characteristics. Special emphasis was placed on maintaining the riparian corridor with native planting and the site’s archaeologically sensitive areas w...
Vineyard Estate
Nestled against a natural rock outcropping, the estate and vineyard commands a panoramic view over the town of Sonoma with extended views to San Francisco. SWA developed a master plan that recommended relocating the house before its construction. This wine country residence features dominant roof forms and the tight integration of interior and exterior spaces ...
Fuzhou Vanke City
Central Lake Forms Spine for Recreational Living
The Yongtai residential project, located inside the Red Cliff Scenic Area, borders the Dazhang River and consists of a 45-hectare watershed area surrounded by 12 small hills. It is part of an overall development that features a boutique hotel, a shopping street, clubhouses, residential high-rises, townhou...
Ambleside Mixed-Use Development
Landscape improvements for this new mixed-use development integrate and enhance the streetscape improvement measures the city of West Vancouver is currently implementing, providing a vibrant and pedestrian friendly landscape along the entire perimeter of the site. The landscape design for the 1300 Block, Marine Drive South at Ambleside Village Centre contribut...