When first approached, the property looked as if very little had changed in eighty years. Everything about it reflected an interest in summer breezes and beaches rather than labor-intensive gardening. In dramatic contrast, the new owner’s primary interest was in entertaining within a landscaped environment.
The final plan reconciles competing space requirements by relocating all driveway, drop-off and parking functions to the property’s edge. It is an efficient, compact arrangement that preserves a significant area for formal gardens. The front yard is now a circular entertainment lawn framed by formal rose gardens—the owner’s passion. The formality is carried around the house through a series of garden “rooms” and “doorways,” each serving a specific function, yet all strongly connected with axis lines and view corridors. Gates, portal, treillage and arbors help to define each garden room’s edges, walls and entrances. Carefully selected antique garden objects such as urns, statuary and obelisks are employed provide points of interest beyond the horticultural delights. Of particular interest are the rose arches inspired by Monet’s garden in Giverny, France. This lush garden environment provides its owner with hours of visual and spiritual enjoyment each day, yet also has accommodated numerous outdoor fundraising events with up to 500 guests.
Vi Living (Formerly Classic Residence By Hyatt)
The Classic Residence by Hyatt in Palo Alto provides seniors with independent and assisted living facilities. The roughly 19-acre site is adjacent to the San Francisquito Creek, a shopping mall, Ronald McDonald House, and Stanford West Apartments. Hyatt has been working closely with us as well as the City of Palo Alto and Stanford University to develop the si...
Alexander Residence
The elements of the site program for this residence are relatively simple: a large pool and deck area without fencing; a large lawn area for children’s play; perennial gardens; concealed parking; and native plantings included in a playful manner. Since the dune height precluded any ocean views from the natural elevation of the site or the ground floor spaces, ...
Tokyo Park Tower
A new luxury residential block in Tokyo’s Jimbocho District called for a series of discreet garden and courtyard spaces that would serve as urban sanctuaries from the busy street life beyond. Water dominates the landscape language in the form of spouts, pools, water slides, and channels. A lush overlay of evergreen shrubs and flowering perennials brings the se...
Ambleside Mixed-Use Development
Landscape improvements for this new mixed-use development integrate and enhance the streetscape improvement measures the city of West Vancouver is currently implementing, providing a vibrant and pedestrian friendly landscape along the entire perimeter of the site. The landscape design for the 1300 Block, Marine Drive South at Ambleside Village Centre contribut...