The new the Hangzhou Alipay Headquarters is located between the Xi Xi wetlands and downtown Hangzhou, a city renowned for its rich culture and beautiful landscapes. Hills and small mountains surround the headquarters building in three directions, and in the fourth lies downtown Hangzhou. Three landscape “movements” derived from openings in the building direct people to the central open space area, where they converge. Using traditional Chinese garden principles, plants on the site are arranged according to landforms, with locally sourced stone pavers giving way to soft planting areas with an emphasis on central gateways. Both active and passive water features enliven the site, creating opportunities for interaction or tranquil enjoyment of the mountain views. Whether viewed from outside the building or experienced within it, the landscape integrates the richness of its natural surroundings into its open spaces.
Work by SWA/Balsley Principal Gerdo Aquino on behalf of SWA
Samsung Headquarters
The new headquarters for Samsung SSI, in San Jose, is a bold vision for a campus and a workplace that highlights interaction. The buildings encourage communication and interaction, leading to a synergistic working environment designed to further transform Samsung into a regional leader in Silicon Valley. To harmonize with the architectural expression, we creat...
Walmart Home Office Landscape Master Plan
What if the vast and varied landscapes of Northwest Arkansas surrounded and thrived all around the future Walmart Home Office Campus, reversing the typical expectations of a corporate headquarters campus? Walmart as a corporation has always celebrated its hometown heritage, and so their mandate for the 350-acre campus follows that same instinct: to preserve na...
250 West 55th
Brentwood Town Centre
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