LG Science Park

LG Science Park



LocationSeoul, South Korea
Size40.2 acres

Description: SOM invited Thomas Balsley Associates to join their team for the design of the new LG R&D Science Park. Since LG’s mission is to “innovate through harmony and dignity” for customers and employees, the LG proposal incorporates a park that connects the R&D creates a harmonious synergy between LG and the adjacent community.
Architecturally, the site is divided into distinctive halves; the landscape follows suit. The western half of the site responds directly to the urban qualities associated with the retail program of the street-level, as well as the primary flagship entry plaza at the northwestern corner. Here, the character is defined by strictly organized elements and the urban grid. The site’s eastern half responds to the more private needs of the research facility; the landscape is more relaxed and curvilinear, and fosters respite from the urban world outside the facility. Stitching together these two contrasting landscape themes is the north-south public right-of-way, where the two halves overlap and engage with one another. In addition to the street-level open space, landscape terraces and courtyards are located on the various levels of the complex, providing accessible and visual green space throughout for employees.

The roofs of the LG facility will be planted with vegetation that will encourage wildlife and assist in cooling the buildings. Visually, these roofs will appear as a “meadow in the sky,” and demonstrate LG’s commitment to sustainable practices. In areas beneath photovoltaic panels, plant species with lower sun requirements were selected so that PV panels can coexist with habitat roof zones.

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