Situated in central Tokyo’s university and publishing district, this new mixed-use project brought urban streetscape character to its immediate neighborhood through the introduction of plazas whose fountains, seating areas, cafes and sculptures serve residents, workers, and the community as a refuge from the busy streets.
A diagram of pedestrian flows to the building entrance and through the plaza gave form to the walls and planter edges that frame plantings and café areas along the building’s retail edge. The plaza’s central feature, a stainless steel water and landform, is also derived from the fluid circulation dynamics. While directing attention and movement to the entrance, it serves as an intermediate buffer from the street beyond this Balsley sculpture as well as the others whose form emerged from the plaza’s conceptual parti, and are inspired by the publishing history of this large-scale development.
Culver Steps and Main Plaza
Founder Harry Culver’s renowned axiom, “All roads lead to Culver City,” acquires new meaning with a spectacular addition to ongoing downtown revitalization. The Culver Steps is a public/private collaboration between The City of Culver City and Hackman Capital Partners devised to highlight the city’s creative “maker tradition,” from its involvement in the filmm...
Gate City Osaki
“I do sculpture as it relates to my designs, and as the sculpture emerges from the designs it becomes collaborative. This is gratifying because the sculpture is very much in keeping with the overall landscaping concept. It is not an afterthought,” writes Tom Balsley. Here we see the full integration of his sculptural expression in the overall landscape design ...
Grand Candela Memorial
The “Grand Candela” commemorates the victims and survivors of the August 2019 mass shooting tragedy at Walmart’s Cielo Vista store. Inspired by the motif of an everlasting candle and set in a plaza within the store’s parking lot, the memorial offers a dedicated place of healing and remembrance. Twenty-two columns of perforated metal, one for each life lost, ar...
Schuylkill Yards Highline Plaza
Highline Plaza at Schuylkill Yards will transform an underutilized surface parking lot into a vibrant landscape of connection that celebrates the distinctive infrastructure of the CSX highline and the adjacent railyards between two distinguished new skyscrapers designed by PAU Architecture and HDR. The half-acre plaza will be highly programmed, with active and...