This research initiative analyzed the impact of 29 SWA-designed projects after construction and occupation. The studies sought to understand the long term social, economic, ecological, and sustainable performance of projects ranging from one to 54 years old, inform current practices based on the outcomes of past projects, and develop rigor in evidence-based design. Findings included lessons on human behavior, site utilization and user groups, natural systems evolution, the effects of updated regulations, material durability and maintenance practices, economic impacts, and project adaptability. Results were released publically as a collection of reports each year during the initiative. The report teams, comprised of SWA construction experts and designers, used three SWA-developed core methods to analyze domestic and international sites ranging from under one acre to 9,700 acres: Design Performance Assessment, Direct Observation, and Institutional Knowledge. This initiative continues SWA’s work on post-occupancy evaluation from a Landscape Architecture Foundation study and landscape performance with IRIS.
Chris Hardy, SWA
Justin Winters, SWA/Balsley
Tim Peterson, SWA
Rene Bihan, SWA
Matt Baumgarten, SWA
Clayton Bruner, SWA
Zane Busbee, SWA
Luis Carrera, SWA
Jean Pierre Casillas, SWA
Shuyi Chang, SWA
Brittney Cooper, SWA
Richard Crockett, SWA
Daniel Cunningham, SWA
John Cutler, SWA
Henry Dalton, SWA
Kerri da Silva, SWA
Garett Dietrich, SWA
Anya Domlesky, SWA
Irene Duan, SWA
Tom Fox, SWA
Andrea Gaffney, SWA
Lu Gao, SWA
Chris Hall, SWA
Andy Harcar, SWA
Natasha Harkison, SWA
Michael Hee, SWA
Katie Jenkins, SWA
Joseph Kensel, SWA
Amanda Kronk, SWA
Ashley Langworthy, SWA
Evan Lee, SWA
Yu-Chung Li, SWA
Sergio Lima, SWA
Xue Ling, SWA
Josh Lock, SWA
Shaun Loomis, SWA
Nabyl Macias, SWA
Trent Matthias, SWA
Ross Nadeau, SWA
Koichiro Nagamatsu, SWA
Rob Oliver, SWA
Demera Ollinger, SWA
Eric Perez, SWA
Dawn Perkins, SWA
Pavel Petrov, SWA
Cendra Ramirez, SWA
Yuan Ren, SWA
Rhett Rentrop, SWA
Rob Rider, SWA
Miguel Rivera, SWA
Steve Rydzon, SWA
Jonnu Singleton, SWA
Kevin Slawson, SWA
Todd Strawn, SWA
Sisi Sun, SWA
Yige Sun, SWA
Travis Theobald, SWA
David Thompson, SWA
Taylor Tidwell, SWA
Marc Tsay, SWA
James Vick, SWA
Zach Vieth, SWA
Dixi Wang, SWA
Andrew Watkins, SWA
Donny Zellefrow, SWA
Xiao Zheng, SWA
Jianchun Zhu, SWA
SWA Ideas Journal Vol 1, 2011. “Measure for Measure.” Chris Hardy.
LAF Buffalo Bayou case study
LAF Hunter’s Point South Waterfront Park case study